a gentle but powerful therapy to wellness
"I wish more people would try Bowen” - Darlene C. of Skagit County
Why? “Because for me it has been a non-invasive way for my body to get aligned and heal itself.
Afterwards my whole body feels relaxed and pain free.”
How has Bowen helped you? “Hip, back, knee, neck problems have been resolved. They stay better for quite a long time. Once in a while I need a tune – up. After many chiropractic treatments on my neck, I was never free of a “kink.” Finally, after the last Bowen session a couple of months ago, the kink that was causing pain, nausea and headaches was gone.”
Darlene has referred about nine people. Two had exceptionally good results, six had good positive results and one had no change. These results are about the typical changes Pam sees in clients on a regular basis.
I have fibromyalgia and have had severe pain and swelling -- sometimes I've been bed-ridden. I've been seeing Pam for three months. There's been a dramatic drop in my pain level - from 10 to 3 - My numbness in my hands has greatly improved - only 9 days per month instead of 30, as it was. My hip and knee pain has decreased too. I haven't needed muscle relaxers anymore. This has kept me from becoming addicted to pain pills. When Pam does the bowen moves, I can really feel it! It makes me feel tingly all through my body.
Long Term Neck Injury Pain
25+ years ago I was in a skiing accident where I received a neck injury. Since then, I have suffered from neck pain off and on. I have tried chiropractic care, along with MD care for the injury but the pain has always come back. Over a year ago, Pam had told me about Bowen, and I decided to give it a try. She did a few painless moves on me and the pain went away. My pain did come back a few weeks later, it was less intense, and she did another treatment on me, and again it went away. This happened again, and each time the pain was much less. The last time I had a treatment from Pam was almost a year ago, and I have not had any neck issues since the last treatment!
Alayna A
May 27th, 2014
Nurse from a Care Facility
In my 38 year nursing career I have seen many types of therapies, most impressive was when I watched Pam Kaczmarczyk perform Bowen on our elderly Residents with great success. It prompted me to learn Bowen myself and have since been able to help many of our Residents even though I have only taken two sessions. I have found that weekly treatments can help keep back pain at bay, relax muscle spasms, decrease bed wetting and many other problems. It is effective almost immediately when someone complains of a stiff neck, sore back, or headache. It is nice to have a method of healing that is so soothing and non-invasive. Our Residents are very open to it, even when anxiety may be a problem for them. Touch is so important to the elderly. It can calm behavior problems successfully. I wish everyone would be open to giving Bowen a try. I do not feel anyone will be disappointed! I look forward to learning more and having the opportunity to help a larger population.
Heidi H LPN
Covington, WA
May 26, 2014